use Mojolicious::Lite -signatures; use Tie::File; tie my @todos, 'Tie::File', 'todos' or die 'could not open storage'; # curl localhost:3000/list get '/list' => sub ($c) { $c->render(json => \@todos); }; # curl --request POST localhost:3000/add --data 'walk my dog' post '/add' => sub ($c) { push @todos, $c->req->body; $c->rendered(204); # no content }; app->start;
use File::Basename; use Win32::GuiTest qw( WaitWindow FindWindowLike SetForegroundWindow SendKeys MenuSelect GetSystemMenu ); my $input_dir = "C:\\Program Files\\Notepad++"; my $filename_to_open = "readme.txt"; # Open the given dir in windows explorer and wait for it to open (timeout - 5sec) my $status_code = system("C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe", $input_dir); WaitWindow(basename($input_dir), 5); # Search for that file explorer window and bring it to front my ($exp_window) = FindWindowLike(0, basename($input_dir)); SetForegroundWindow($exp_window); # Keys to be pressed on keyboard in sequential order foreach my $key ($filename_to_open, "{APP}", "N", "{ENTER}") { SendKeys($key); } WaitWindow(basename($filename_to_open), 5); # Search for Notepad++ app window my ($notepad_win) = FindWindowLike(0, $filename_to_open); SetForegroundWindow($notepad_win); # Close the Notepad++ window MenuSelect("&Close", 0, GetSystemMenu($notepad_win, 0)); WaitWindow(basename($input_dir), 5); # Close the file explorer window SendKeys("^w");
use Firefox::Marionette(); my $firefox = Firefox::Marionette->new(visible => 1); my $window = $firefox->new_window(type => 'tab', focus => 1); $firefox->switch_to_window($window); # Return first element matching a class (search textbox) my $e = $firefox->go('') ->find_class('form-control home-search-input') # Remove if there is something already filled there $firefox->clear($e); # Fill it with search element e.g. Mojolicious $firefox->type($e, "Mojolicious"); # Find search button by the given id and click it $firefox->find_class('btn search-btn')->click(); # Take screenshot of entire document my $fh = $firefox->selfie()->filename; print $fh->filename; # /tmp/full_screenshot.png # This will only take screenshot of the element specified my $fh = $firefox->selfie($firefox->find_class('content search-results')); print $fh->filename; # /tmp/partial_screenshot.png
use v5.36; my ($min, $max) = (1,100); my @inputs = (-10,10,200); for my $i (@inputs) { my $value = clamp($i,$min,$max); say "$i set to $value to be within ($min,$max)"; } sub clamp ($i,$min,$max) { return (sort { $a <=> $b } ($i,$min,$max))[1]; } # -10 set to 1 to be within (1,100) # 10 set to 10 to be within (1,100) # 200 set to 100 to be within (1,100)
use strict; use warnings; use Chart::Plotly 'show_plot'; use Chart::Plotly::Image 'save_image'; use Chart::Plotly::Plot; use Chart::Plotly::Trace::Scatter; my @domainAxis = ("2021-04-15", "2021-04-16", "2021-04-17", "2021-04-18"); my @rangeAxis = (10, 3, 5, 9); my $plot = Chart::Plotly::Plot->new(); my $scatter = Chart::Plotly::Trace::Scatter->new(x => \@domainAxis, y => \@rangeAxis); $plot->add_trace($scatter); # Opens the plot in a browser locally show_plot($plot); # Save the generated image locally save_image( file => "lineChart.png", # Referring to a local filesystem path plot => $plot, width => 1024, # Sets the image width height => 768, # Sets the image height engine => 'auto' );
use Text::CSV_XS qw( csv ); # Read whole file in memory my $aoa = csv (in => "data.csv"); # as array of array my $aoh = csv (in => "data.csv", headers => "auto"); # as array of hash # Write array of arrays as csv file csv (in => $aoa, out => "file.csv", sep_char=> ";"); # Only show lines where "code" is odd csv (in => "data.csv", filter => { code => sub { $_ % 2 }});
use Mojo::UserAgent; my $agent = Mojo::UserAgent->new; my $tx = $agent->get(""); my $quote = $tx->res->dom->at("dt"); my $author = $quote->next->at("b"); print join " — ", ($quote->all_text, $author->all_text); # Perl is shiny — Perl Hacker
package Point; use Moo; has 'x' => is => 'rw'; has 'y' => is => 'rw'; sub describe { my ($self) = @_; printf "A point at (%d,%d)", $self->x, $self->y; } Point->new( x => 4, y => 2 )->describe; # A point at (4,2)
use Object::Pad 0.41; class Point { has $x :param = 0; has $y :param = 0; has $z = 0; method move ($dX=0, $dY=0, $dZ=0) { $x += $dX; $y += $dY; $z += $dZ; return $self; } method describe { print "A point at ($x, $y, $z)\n"; } } Point->new(x => 5, y => 10)->move(1,1)->describe; # A point at (6, 11, 0)
use Feature::Compat::Try; sub foo { try { attempt_a_thing(); return "success"; } catch ($e) { warn "It failed - $e"; return "failure"; } }
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